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Posts tagged with: BURGLAR PROTECTION

Top 3 places to install security cameras You should install security cameras near these 3 places: Front door First-floor windows Back door Why these places? Because those are the top 3 burglar entry points according to research done by the Washington...
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What are the Worst (or Best) Places to Hide Valuables in your Home According to a study, burglars said that, if they break into your home the top things they’re looking for are:              Cash (79%)      Jewelry (68%)     Electronics (56%) ...
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SHOPPING FOR SMART HOME DEVICES?? CHECK OUR GUIDE! ROCK SOLID SECURITY an “authorized dealer of “Alarm.Com” Powerful technology has made home automation and smart devices an affordable reality. However, knowing where to start and what to buy can be a...
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Holiday Home Security Tips For many families, the holidays are known as the season for giving. But for burglars, it’s the prime season for taking—stealing from you not only your hard-earned money, possessions, and new gifts, but also all the...
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